Friday, September 14, 2007

Oh ho ho!

[This post has been deleted by the authorities.]


Chevalier said...

Going down the rabbit hole.
Apparently I'm the first here, or at least 1st to post.

Strangely enough It started to smell a little bit like cookies a few minutes ago, no lie. I do, however, live in a dorm where people work rotating shifts, so, despite the lateness, it's not odd. Just a little disconcerting.

Anyway, back to reading this wonderful story.

I found you.

The Resistance said...

The houses have names. They are one, but they have names!

The door is open, but never go in!

Shallow Gal said...

I'm coming for you. hold on

coolgreenkicks said...

Why didn't you come for me. I waited far longer than I wanted to on the front steps but you never came.